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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rupee going north

The coffehouse is bustling again. Oh, it looks like a very interesting dicussion is going on about the rising rupee.

Ramesh on the top of his voice is venting his feelings against the rise. He said,"Our very edge over other countries as a offshore service provider will soon be lost. Our cutomers will move their work to some other countries where the service will be cheaper. Can we think of earning in 6 figures then? This is really scarry."

Nirupama counter remarked "Oh Ramesh, you are thinking from only one point of view. Why are you not seeing the bright side of it. A rising rupee means our imports will be cheaper. It may be a boon for the manufacturing industry. We will be able to buy foreign parts at a cheaper rate and assemble them here at low cost.That will in turn improve the quality of life."

"I agree with you Nirupama, "said Suresh.."There is another positive thing, the rising rupee will attract foreign investors, our foreign exchange reserves will increase, our domestic industries will flourish. Who knows we might offshore work from India to US,UK and other countries. The other good thing is foreign travel is lot cheaper now. Students will have to pay less in the foreign institutions in terms of rupees."

Rising rupee has both good and bad but it is very hard to say whether the good part is heavier than the bad one. Also rupee may not enjoy this northward journey for a long time. The dollar is weak because the interest rates are lower . This is making the US assets relatively unattractive. It would be very likely that interest rates will go up soon and rupee will come down again.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How do you reduce stress

That day I and Sameer were at the coffehouse discussing about the best jokes we have heard.

Sameer shared one of the best jokes that I have ever heard.

Two colleages were talking to each other in a office.
One of them says , 'Whenever I get stressed , I start sqeezing this rubber ball until my arms ache'.

The other one says 'I have a better way of releasing stress'
'What is that', the other asked.
'I have designed the comode in my bathroom in such a way that it looks like the face of our boss and I sit on the mouth whenever I feel stressed' the colleage said with a smile.